Page 426 - Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students (1913)

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Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students
different points of present truth. And as they meet with a degree of
success financially, some will learn lessons of thrift and economy,
which will be of great advantage to them when they are sent out as
The students who take up the work of selling
Christ’s Object
The Ministry of Healing
will need to study the book
they expect to sell. As they familiarize their minds with the subject
matter of the book in hand and endeavor to practice its teachings
they will develop in knowledge and spiritual power. The messages
in these books are the light that God has revealed to me to give to the
world. The teachers in our schools should encourage the students
to make a careful study of every chapter. They should teach the
truths there presented and seek to inspire the youth with a love for
the precious thoughts the Lord has entrusted to us to communicate
to the world.
Thus the preparation for handling these books, and the daily ex-
periences gained while bringing them to the attention of the people,
will prove an invaluable schooling to those who take part in this line
of effort. Under the blessing of God the youth will obtain a fitting
up for service in the Lord’s vineyard.
There is a special work to be done for our young people by those
bearing responsibility in local churches throughout the conferences.
When the church officers see promising youth who are desirous of
fitting themselves for usefulness in the Lord’s service, but whose
parents are unable to send them to school, they have a duty to per-
form in studying how to give help and encouragement. They should
take counsel with parents and youth, and unite in planning wisely.
Some youth may be best fitted to engage in home missionary work.
There is a wide field of usefulness in the distribution of our literature
and in bringing the third angel’s message to the attention of friends
and neighbors. Other youth should be encouraged to enter the can-
vassing work to sell our larger books. Some may have qualifications
that would make them valuable helpers in our institutions.
In many instances if promising youth were wisely encouraged
and properly directed, they could be led to earn their own schooling
by taking up the sale of
Christ’s Object Lessons
The Ministry of
. In selling these books they would be acting as missionaries,
for they would be bringing light to the notice of the people of the