Page 56 - Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students (1913)

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Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students
has been made for the salvation of the human family. It is possible for
every transaction entered into by those who claim to be Christians
to be as pure as the deeds of Christ. And the soul who accepts
the virtues of Christ’s character and appropriates the merits of His
life is as precious in the sight of God as is His own beloved Son.
Sincere and uncorrupted faith is to Him as gold and frankincense
and myrrh—the gifts of the Wise Men to the Child of Bethlehem,
and the evidence of their faith in Him as the promised Messiah.
* * * * *
Let the child and the youth be taught that every mistake, every
fault, every difficulty, conquered, becomes a steppingstone to better
and higher things. It is through such experiences that all who have
ever made life worth the living have achieved success.—