Seite 13 - Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene (1890)

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Christian Temperance General Principles
indulging depraved appetite and lustful passions, without violating the
law of God. Therefore he has permitted the light of health reform to
shine upon us, that we may realize the sinfulness of breaking the laws
which he has established in our very being. Our heavenly Father sees
the deplorable condition of men who, many of them ignorantly, are
disregarding the principles of hygiene. And it is in love and pity to the
race that he causes the light to shine upon health reform. He publishes
his law and its penalties, in order that all may learn what is for their
highest good. He proclaims his law so distinctly, and makes it so
prominent, that it is like a city set on a hill. All intelligent beings can
understand it if they will. None others are responsible. To make natural
law plain, and to urge obedience to it, is a work that accompanies the
third angel’s message.
Ignorance is no excuse now for the transgression of law. The light
shines clearly, and none need be ignorant; for the great God himself
is man’s instructor. All are bound by the most sacred obligations to
heed the sound philosophy and genuine experience which God is now
giving them in reference to health reform. He designs that the subject
shall be agitated, and the public mind deeply stirred to investigate it;
for it is impossible for men and women, while under the power of
sinful, health-destroying, brain-enervating habits, to appreciate sacred
truth. Those who are willing to inform themselves concerning the
effect which sinful indulgence has upon the health, and who begin
the work of reform, even from selfish motives, may in so doing place
themselves where the truth of God can reach their hearts. And, on
the other hand, those who have been reached by the presentation of
Scripture truth are in a position where the conscience may be aroused
upon the subject of health. They see and feel the necessity of breaking
away from the tyrannizing habits and appetites which have ruled them
so long. There are many who would receive the truths of God’s word,
their judgment having been convinced by the clearest evidence; but
the carnal desires, clamoring for gratification, control the intellect,
and they reject truth because it conflicts with their lustful desires. The
minds of many take so low a level that God cannot work either for them
or with them. The current of their thoughts must be changed, their
moral sensibilities must be aroused, before they can feel the claims of