Seite 77 - Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene (1890)

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It is a lamentable fact that many professed Christian women take
the lead in patronizing the fashions; and those who make no pre-
tensions to religion, follow in their steps. Some who are in humble
circumstances, in their efforts to keep pace with the ever-changing
styles of dress, endure privation, and work far beyond their strength,
in order to retain their place in fashionable society. This temptation is
so strong that some, in trying to gain their object, are guilty of dishon-
esty and theft. Many are led to ruin by the desire for self-adornment.
Professed Christians who have, by their example, opened a door of
temptation to their weak sisters, will have a fearful account to meet
in the day of final reckoning. Inexperienced ones, charmed with the
respect paid to those who dress stylishly, become so infatuated that
nothing is too precious to exchange for artificial decorations.
While superfluous trimming and ornaments are to be avoided, as
opposed to our profession as followers of the meek and lowly Jesus,
we would not discourage the exercise of correct taste, neatness, and
order in dress. There are those who are careless of their apparel, and
are always harping on pride in dress. They think it a virtue to be
untidy, and to dress without order or taste. They class decency and
neatness with pride, and excuse themselves for their neglect of apparel,
even upon the Sabbath, under pretense of carrying out that separation
from the world which the word of God requires of his people. If these
persons had an engagement to meet a friend honored by the world,
and they wished to be especially favored by him, they would exert
themselves to appear in his presence with the best and neatest apparel
they could obtain. Yet when they meet upon the Sabbath to worship
the great God, they think it is of no consequence in what dress they
appear, or what is the condition of their person. In His house, which is
as the audience-chamber of the Most High, where heavenly angels are
in attendance, they assemble with but little respect or reverence. All
who meet upon the Sabbath to worship God, should, if possible, have
neat, well-fitting, comely garments to wear in the house of worship.
It is a dishonor to the Sabbath, to God, and to his house, for those
who profess to believe that the Sabbath is the holy of the Lord, and
honorable, to wear upon that day the soiled clothing which they have
worn through the labors of the week, if they can obtain anything more