Seite 81 - Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene (1890)

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and study the human organism. We are fearfully and wonderfully
made, and we are to present our bodies a living sacrifice to God. How
can Christian mothers be worshipers at the shrine of fashion, and yet
preserve their loyalty to the God of heaven? It is impossible; “ye
cannot serve God and mammon.” [
Luke 16:13
.] You cannot devote
your time and talents to the world, and yet keep your mind and body in
a condition to do the work committed to you, of training your children
for God, and aiding them in a physical development that shall be a
blessing to them to the end of life.
Little boys also are dressed so as to leave the lower limbs with far
less protection than the upper part of the body. The limbs, being remote
from the center of circulation, demand greater protection, instead of
less. The veins which convey the blood to the extremities are large,
providing for the flow of a sufficient quantity of blood to afford warmth
and nutrition. But when the blood is chilled from these parts, the veins
contract, and the circulation is retarded. Not only do the extremities
suffer from cold, but through lack of nutrition the limbs do not attain
their natural development. A good circulation purifies the blood, and
secures health; while a poor circulation renders the blood impure, and
induces congestion of the vital organs.
Mothers, why not clothe your boys and girls comfortably and
properly? Let their dress be simple, loose, and comfortable; clothe
their limbs, and especially the ankles, warmly and evenly; then let
them go out and exercise in the open air, and live to enjoy health
and happiness. It will take moral courage to break away from the
chains of fashion, and dress and educate your children with reference
to health; but the result will abundantly repay all the self-denial and
inconvenience occasioned.
Mothers sacrifice to fashion the God-given time which should be
devoted to forming the character of their children. Health is impaired
by bending over sewing, within doors, shut away from the sunshine and
pure air. Opportunities are lost that should be improved in educating
the mind, and storing it with useful knowledge. Thus they are not
qualified to instruct and train their children for usefulness in this world,
or to fit them for the better world. Women are bending their shoulders
to a heavy cross. Should Christ demand of them, as his disciples, so
great a sacrifice, they would feel that it was indeed too great, and the