Seite 16 - Christian Leadership (1985)

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Christian Leadership
souls have cost too much to be trifled with, or treated with harshness
or indifference.
A defective life is a dishonor to God. Co-workers with Christ will
manifest no harshness, no self-sufficiency. These elements must be
purified from the soul, and the gentleness of Christ take possession.
Never be unkind to any soul, for by the grace of God that soul may
become an heir of God and joint heir with Christ. Do not bruise the
hearts of Christ’s purchased ones, for in doing this you bruise the
heart of Christ. Ever remember that we must all meet again around
the great white throne, there to receive the approval or disapproval of
God. A soul hurt is often a soul destroyed. Let those who have light
and privileges remember that their very position of trust makes them
responsible for souls. They will have to meet again those whom they
have driven from Christ bruised and wounded to death.
The human agent is a savor of life unto life, or he is a savor of
death unto death. He either draws with Christ, or he draws away from
Manuscript 143, 1899
(October 4, 1899, “Co-Workers With
Kind to the Erring—In the advancement of his cause in the earth,
he would have men appointed to deal with the erring who will be
kind and considerate, and whose characters reveal the similitude of
the divine,—men who will show the wisdom of Christ in dealing
with matters that should be kept private, and who, when a work of
correction and reproof must be done, will know how to keep silence
before those whom it does not concern. Unbelievers should not be
given opportunity to make God’s people, be they ministers or laymen,
the objects of their suspicion and unrighteous judgment.—
The Review
and Herald, November 14, 1907
Kindness to Youth—God holds the managers of his institutions
responsible to treat the youth in the employ of these institutions with
courtesy, respect, and kindness. They are to deal with them as they
themselves wish to be dealt with by Christ. Their first work is to be so
kind to the youth, so thoughtful of their interests, that they will feel at
home in their presence.—
The Review and Herald, April 28, 1903