Seite 18 - Christian Leadership (1985)

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Christian Leadership
in a position where he is liable to be deceived by the enemy, and
Gospel Workers, 443, 444
Held Responsible For Those Going Astray—Those in positions
of responsibility who follow their own way are held responsible for the
mistakes of those who are led astray by their example.—
The Review
and Herald, September 14, 1905
Unfaithfulness To Be Disapproved—Those who prove untrue
are to be dealt with in accordance with the wisdom that God will
impart. Never are God’s servants to look upon disaffection, scheming,
and deception as virtues; those in responsibility are to manifest their
decided disapproval of all unfaithfulness in business and spiritual
matters. And they are to choose as counselors in every line of work,
only those men in whom they can repose the utmost confidence.—
Review and Herald, September 14, 1905
Paul’s Loyalty Established Faith of Churches—Throughout his
ministry, Paul had looked to God for direct guidance. At the same
time, he had been very careful to labor in harmony with the decisions
of the general council at Jerusalem, and as a result the churches were
“established in the faith, and increased in number daily.”
Acts 16:5
And now, notwithstanding the lack of sympathy shown him by some,
he found comfort in the consciousness that he had done his duty in
encouraging in his converts a spirit of loyalty, generosity, and brotherly
love, as revealed on this occasion in the liberal contributions which
he was enabled to place before the Jewish elders.—
The Acts of the
Apostles, 402