Seite 34 - Christian Leadership (1985)

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Christian Leadership
individual workers who are led by the Lord to do a special work that
but few are fitted to do. Let brethren in responsibility be slow to crit-
icize movements that are not in perfect harmony with their methods
of labor. Let them never suppose that every plan should reflect their
own personality. Let them not fear to trust another’s methods; for by
withholding their confidence from a brother laborer who, with humility
and consecrated zeal, is doing a special work in God’s appointed way,
they are retarding the advancement of the Lord’s cause.—
for the Church 9:259
Broad Ideas and Views—I have a message to bear to some who
hold positions of responsibility in the Southern California Conference.
They have lost from their experience that true fervor which the presence
of the Holy Spirit gives, and which would teach them to subdue self
and walk humbly in the way of Christ. The responsible worker who
will not become a humble follower of Christ will do great harm to
the cause of God, by molding and fashioning the experience of the
conference to a common, cheap standard. The sacred work that we
handle will never, if performed in a spirit of consecration, cheapen the
experience of a single soul.
That man is unfit to be the president of a conference or a leader
among God’s people who has not broad ideas and views. It is the
privilege and duty of those who bear responsibilities in the cause to
become learners in Christ’s school. The professed follower of Christ
must not follow the dictates of his own will; his mind must be trained
to think Christ’s thoughts, and enlightened to comprehend the will
and way of God. Such a believer will be a learner of Christ’s methods
of work.—
Letter 276, 1907
, pp. 1, 2 (September 5, 1907 to J. A.