Seite 39 - Christian Leadership (1985)

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The very fact that you are standing in a position of responsibility I urge
upon you as the reason why you should show a forbearing, courteous,
Christlike spirit at all times and under all circumstances. Your brethren
in the ministry who respect you and your office, will be very apt to
follow your example in the treatment of such cases. You are to be an
example to your brethren, worthy of imitation. Your words, your spirit,
your deportment, even the manner in which you treat your brethren
are sowing seeds for good or evil. It is both your privilege and duty,
especially in your position of trust, to be like-minded with God; then
you will be strong in His strength and meek and humble as a little
Cling close to your Bible, for its sacred truths can purify, ennoble
and sanctify the soul. You must hold the truth and teach it as it is in
Jesus, else it is of no value to you. Before the light of God’s truth let
human opinions and ideas and human wisdom appear as they are in
the sight of God—as foolishness. Let no man feel that his position
as president either of the General Conference or of a state conference
clothes him with a power over the consciences of others that is the
least degree oppressive, for God will not sanction anything of this kind.
He must respect the rights of all, and all the more because he is in a
position where others will pattern after him.
Your position binds you under the most sacred obligations to be
very careful what kind of a spirit you entertain towards your brethren.
They are acting a part in God’s cause as well as yourself. Will not God
teach them and guide them as well as yourself? You are not even to
allow yourself to think unkindly of them, much less to climb upon the
judgment seat and censure and condemn your brethren, when you may
be yourself, in many respects, more deserving of censure than they.
Your work is bearing the inspection of God.—
Letter 21, 1888
, pp. 10,
11 (October 14, 1888 to Brother Butler).