Seite 51 - Christian Leadership (1985)

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Shun Desire to Become Great Leaders-It is those who accept
the warnings and cautions given them who will walk in safe paths.
Let not men yield to the burning desire to become great leaders, or to
the desire independently to devise and lay plans for themselves and
for the work of God. It is easy for the enemy to work through some
who, having themselves need of counsel at every step, undertake the
guardianship of souls without having learned the lowliness of Christ.
These need counsel from the One who says, “Come unto Me, all ye
that labor and are heavy laden.”
Our ministers and leaders need to realize the necessity of coun-
seling with their brethren who have been long in the work, and who
have gained deep experience in the ways of the Lord. The disposition
of some to shut themselves up to themselves, and to feel competent
to plan and execute according to their own judgment and preferences,
brings them into strait places. Such an independent way of working
is not right, and should not be followed. The ministers and teach-
ers in our conferences are to work unitedly with their brethren of
experience, asking them for their counsel, and paying heed to their
Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 501, 502