Seite 55 - Christian Leadership (1985)

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have qualified themselves in this direction by just such a process as
you and others have had to go through to be fitted for just such work.
Now if you relieve these persons from this responsible part of the
work they are only your machines. Your head plans, devises, turns
the crank, winds them up to run down, to be wound up again. This
is one of the reasons why we have so few brain workers today; and
this is the reason why brain workers are dropping out of our ranks
into their graves, because they are brains for others. I tell you plainly
as a mother would a son, you have made a decided failure here. I
cannot now attempt to specify all these mistakes, but there is with
you a love for supremacy whether you see it or not, and had it not
been cherished you would have had by your side men who would have
been developing as useful physicians, men who would be constantly
growing, and upon whom you could have depended. But you have not
given them all the advantages which you yourself would have claimed
had you been in their place. They needed, and the case demanded
that you should do more for them when they came to a certain point
than you gave them to perfect them in the work. You have, whether
you designed it or knew it or not, bound them to come thus far and no
farther. This is not justice to them or to you, neither is it justice to the
Sanitarium that so much depends upon one man. It ought not to be
thus in any of our institutions because it is not God’s way.—
Letter 7,
(April 26, 1886, to J. H. Kellogg).
Wisdom from God to be Interwoven in Daily Experiences—
With the grace of Christ in the soul, you may be mighty through God,
beating back the powers of darkness. No power but truth will keep
you steadfast, having the glory of God ever in view. Those who are
closely connected with you have solemn responsibilities. You repose
confidence in them, and it is their duty to cling to God, and have an
eye single to His glory, hanging firmly upon the arm of Omnipotence,
not trusting in or relying upon any human arm. They should make the
most of their own God-given faculties, for they must give an account
of the same to God; they are to be constantly growing; they are never
to cease to progress. But all the aids that can be brought to them as
soldiers of Jesus Christ in this holy warfare should be enlisted. All
knowledge that the apostle would acknowledge as true science, as
far as possible should be acquired. Everything that can strengthen or
expand the mind should be cultivated to the utmost individual power.