Seite 57 - Christian Leadership (1985)

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efficient as you are. You have too much self-confidence, too high an
estimate of your own ability. Today you should have standing by your
side a large number of intelligent workers whom you had trained. But
you have shaped matters according to your narrow conceptions, and
still stand almost alone....
It is your duty to change your course of action. Learn to see and
to recognize ability and talent in others besides yourself. For Christ’s
sake, do not lord it over His heritage but be an ensample to the flock.
Give to others the benefit of all the knowledge that the Lord has given
to you. He has given you this knowledge that you may impart it. Teach
to others everything that you know, not in an arbitrary manner, making
light of their mistakes and ridiculing their ignorance; but in a kindly
spirit, you yourself sitting at the feet of Jesus as a learner. Take young
men into your mission home, and be their instructor, teaching them as
you would teach students in a school.—
Letter 10, 1884
(October 27,
1884, to J. O. Corliss).
In his work today, the Lord would be pleased to have those who
are engaged in any part of His service, guard against the tendency to
take upon themselves responsibilities that they are not called upon to
bear. Some of His servants are to direct the business matters connected
with His work in the earth; others are to look after the spiritual matters.
Every laborer is to strive to do well his part, leaving to others the duties
entrusted to them.—
The Review and Herald, October 5, 1905
Drop Responsibilities on Others—I think I have laid out this
matter many times before you, but I see no change in your actions.
We want every responsible man to drop responsibilities upon others.
Set others at work that will require them to plan and to use judgment.
Do not educate them to rely upon your judgment. Young men must
be trained up to be thinkers. My brethren, do not for a moment think
that your way is perfection, and that those who are connected with you
must be your shadows, must echo your words, repeat your ideas, and
execute your plans.—
Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers,
302, 303
No Kingly Authority in Seventh-day Adventist Church—God
has not set any kingly power in the Seventh-day Adventist Church to
control the whole body, or to control any branch of the work. He has
not provided that the burden of leadership shall rest upon a few men.