Seite 60 - Christian Leadership (1985)

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Christian Leadership
not for the spiritual benefit of believers, and which involved far more
than was apparent at the first casual consideration. Such movements
are not in the order of God.
Many, very many matters have been taken up and carried by vote,
that have involved far more than was anticipated, and far more than
those who voted would have been willing to assent to, had they taken
time to consider the question from all sides.—
Letter 340, 1907
God Cannot Use the Undecided Leader—Those who have any
connection with God’s work in any of our institutions must have a
connection with God, and must be committed to do right under all
circumstances, that they may know where they will be found in the day
of trial. No one connected with the sacred work of God can remain
on neutral ground. If a man is divided, undecided, unsettled, until
he is sure that he will lose nothing, he shows that he is a man God
can not use. But many are working in this line. They have not been
appointed by God, or else they have decidedly failed to be worked by
the mighty agency of the Holy Spirit.—
Testimonies to Ministers and
Gospel Workers, 403