Seite 65 - Christian Leadership (1985)

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Training Leaders
all patience, encouraging them to go forward and to do an important
work. Instead of keeping them engaged in doing things of minor im-
portance, give them an opportunity to obtain an experience by which
they may develop into trustworthy workers. Much will thus be gained
to the cause of God.
Those placed in positions of responsibility should patiently seek
to make others familiar with all parts of the work. This will reveal
that they do not desire to be first, but that they are glad to have others
become acquainted with details, and to become as efficient as they are.
Those who faithfully fulfill their duty in this respect, will, in time, have
standing by their side a large number of intelligent workers whom they
have trained. Should they shape matters in accordance with narrow,
selfish conceptions, they would stand almost alone.—
The Review and
Herald, December 1, 1904
Leaders Afraid to Train Others—If in their ministry those whom
we teach develop an energy and an intelligence even superior to that
which we possess, we should be led to rejoice over the privilege of
having a part in the work of training them. But there is danger that
some in positions of responsibility as teachers and leaders, will act as
if talent and ability have been given to them only, and that they must do
all the work in order to make sure that it is done aright. They are liable
to find fault with everything not originated by themselves. A great
amount of talent is lost to the cause of God because many laborers,
desiring to be first, are willing to lead, but never to follow. Although
they closely scrutinize and criticize all that any one else does, they
are in danger of regarding that which goes forth from their hands as
The Review and Herald, December 1, 1904
Recognize Talent—Those who are placed in responsible positions
should feel it their duty to recognize talent. They should learn how to
use men, and how to advise them. If mistakes are made, they should
not withdraw themselves, thinking it easier to do the work themselves
than to educate others. Those who are learning should be patiently
instructed, precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little and there
a little. Every effort should be made, by precept and example, to teach
them right methods.
Many of those who have responsibilities laid upon them, who are
chosen to be presidents of conferences, are not selected because of
their perfection of character, or because of their superior knowledge,