Seite 70 - Christian Leadership (1985)

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Christian Leadership
The Back Pullers—There are always a few who think, when their
brethren are pulling forward, that it is their duty to pull back. They
object to everything that is proposed, and make war on every plan that
they have not themselves originated. Here is an opportunity for persons
to develop inordinate self-confidence. They have never learned in the
school of Christ the precious and all-important lesson of becoming
meek and lowly. There is nothing harder for those who possess a
strong will than to give up their own way, and submit to the judgment
of others.—
Gospel Workers, 446, 447
Cooperation and Unity Essential—Let not one man feel that his
gift alone is sufficient for the work of God; that he alone can carry
through a series of meetings, and give perfection to the work. His
methods may be good, and yet varied gifts are essential; one man’s
mind is not to mold and fashion the work according to his special
ideas. In order for the work to be built up strong and symmetrical,
there is need of varied gifts and different agencies, all under the Lord’s
direction; He will instruct the workers according to their several ability.
Cooperation and unity are essential to a harmonious whole, each
laborer doing his God-given work, filling his appropriate position, and
supplying the deficiency of another. One worker left to labor alone is
in danger of thinking that his talent is sufficient to make a complete
Evangelism, 104