Seite 76 - Christian Leadership (1985)

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Christian Leadership
If he works as he has done to arouse the careless and set in order the
things that others have neglected, he will become unable to labor, and
will go down to an untimely grave.—
Manuscript 8, 1892
25, 1892, Christ and Suffering).
More Thinking and Planning—If the officers of a conference
would bear successfully the burdens laid upon them, they must pray,
they must believe, they must trust God to use them as His agents in
keeping the churches of the conference in good working order. This is
their part of the vineyard to cultivate. There must be far more personal
responsibility, far more thinking and planning, far more mental power
brought into the labor put forth for the Master. This would enlarge the
capacity of the mind, and give keener perceptions as to what to do and
Gospel Workers, 416