Seite 86 - Christian Leadership (1985)

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Christian Leadership
Then have real practical faith in Jesus, and believe He will carry
every load great or small. You must take the anxieties to Jesus, and
believe He takes them, and bears them for you....
Worry is blind and cannot discern the future. But Jesus sees the
end from the beginning, and He has prepared His way to bring relief.
“So much to do!” Yes; but who is the chief worker? Jesus Christ your
Lord. He offers to lighten the loads we carry by putting Himself under
the loads. Abiding in Christ, and Christ abiding in us, we can do all
things through Him, who strengtheneth us.
Now, my brother, don’t worry. Do not allow yourself to be kept up
through unreasonable hours in committee meetings. You need rest for
the brain, and you will break down unless you have rest.—
Letter 41,
Looking Constantly to Jesus—No man is so high in power and
authority but that Satan will assail him with temptation, And the more
responsible the position a man occupies, the fiercer and more deter-
mined are the assaults of the enemy. Let God’s servants in every place
study His word, looking constantly to Jesus, that they may be changed
into His image. The inexhaustible fullness and the all-sufficiency of
Christ are at our command if we walk before God in humility and
Manuscript 140, 1902
(November 6, 1902, Principles for
the Guidance of Men in Positions of Responsibility).
Unpublished Manuscripts released by the Ellen G. White Estate
Washington, D. C., March 15, 1974.