Seite 117 - The Desire of Ages (1898)

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At the Marriage Feast
it was desired to show respect. Every act of Christ’s earthly life was in
harmony with the precept He Himself had given, “Honor thy father and
thy mother.”
Exodus 20:12
. On the cross, in His last act of tenderness
toward His mother, Jesus again addressed her in the same way, as
He committed her to the care of His best-loved disciple. Both at the
marriage feast and upon the cross, the love expressed in tone and look
and manner interpreted His words.
At His visit to the temple in His boyhood, as the mystery of His
lifework opened before Him, Christ had said to Mary, “Wist ye not
that I must be about My Father’s business?”
Luke 2:49
. These words
struck the keynote of His whole life and ministry. Everything was
held in abeyance to His work, the great work of redemption which He
had come into the world to accomplish. Now He repeated the lesson.
There was danger that Mary would regard her relationship to Jesus as
giving her a special claim upon Him, and the right, in some degree, to
direct Him in His mission. For thirty years He had been to her a loving
and obedient son, and His love was unchanged; but He must now go
about His Father’s work. As Son of the Most High, and Saviour of the
world, no earthly ties must hold Him from His mission, or influence
His conduct. He must stand free to do the will of God. This lesson
is also for us. The claims of God are paramount even to the ties of
human relationship. No earthly attraction should turn our feet from
the path in which He bids us walk.
The only hope of redemption for our fallen race is in Christ; Mary
could find salvation only through the Lamb of God. In herself she
possessed no merit. Her connection with Jesus placed her in no differ-
ent spiritual relation to Him from that of any other human soul. This
is indicated in the Saviour’s words. He makes clear the distinction
between His relation to her as the Son of man and as the Son of God.
The tie of kinship between them in no way placed her on an equality
with Him.
The words, “Mine hour is not yet come,” point to the fact that
every act of Christ’s life on earth was in fulfillment of the plan that
had existed from the days of eternity. Before He came to earth, the
plan lay out before Him, perfect in all its details. But as He walked
among men, He was guided, step by step, by the Father’s will. He did
not hesitate to act at the appointed time. With the same submission He
waited until the time had come.