Seite 178 - The Desire of Ages (1898)

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The Desire of Ages
John was troubled to see that through love for him, his own disci-
ples were cherishing unbelief in regard to Jesus. Had his work for them
been fruitless? Had he been unfaithful in his mission, that he was now
cut off from labor? If the promised Deliverer had appeared, and John
had been found true to his calling, would not Jesus now overthrow the
oppressor’s power, and set free His herald?
But the Baptist did not surrender his faith in Christ. The memory
of the voice from heaven and the descending dove, the spotless purity
of Jesus, the power of the Holy Spirit that had rested upon John as he
came into the Saviour’s presence, and the testimony of the prophetic
scriptures,—all witnessed that Jesus of Nazareth was the Promised
John would not discuss his doubts and anxieties with his com-
panions. He determined to send a message of inquiry to Jesus. This
he entrusted to two of his disciples, hoping that an interview with
the Saviour would confirm their faith, and bring assurance to their
brethren. And he longed for some word from Christ spoken directly
for himself.
The disciples came to Jesus with their message, “Art Thou He that
should come, or do we look for another?”
How short the time since the Baptist had pointed to Jesus, and
proclaimed, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of
the world.” “He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me.”
John 1:29, 27
. And now the question, “Art Thou He that should come?”
It was keenly bitter and disappointing to human nature. If John, the
faithful forerunner, failed to discern Christ’s mission, what could be
expected from the self-seeking multitude?
The Saviour did not at once answer the disciples’ question. As they
stood wondering at His silence, the sick and afflicted were coming to
Him to be healed. The blind were groping their way through the crowd;
diseased ones of all classes, some urging their own way, some borne
by their friends, were eagerly pressing into the presence of Jesus. The
voice of the mighty Healer penetrated the deaf ear. A word, a touch of
His hand, opened the blind eyes to behold the light of day, the scenes
of nature, the faces of friends, and the face of the Deliverer. Jesus
rebuked disease and banished fever. His voice reached the ears of the
dying, and they arose in health and vigor. Paralyzed demoniacs obeyed
His word, their madness left them, and they worshiped Him. While