Seite 333 - The Desire of Ages (1898)

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Crisis in Galilee
means to live “by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
This is eating the Bread that comes down from heaven.
Christ had spoken a sacred, eternal truth regarding the relation
between Himself and His followers. He knew the character of those
who claimed to be His disciples, and His words tested their faith. He
declared that they were to believe and act upon His teaching. All
who received Him would partake of His nature, and be conformed
to His character. This involved the relinquishment of their cherished
ambitions. It required the complete surrender of themselves to Jesus.
They were called to become self-sacrificing, meek and lowly in heart.
They must walk in the narrow path traveled by the Man of Calvary, if
they would share in the gift of life and the glory of heaven.
The test was too great. The enthusiasm of those who had sought to
take Him by force and make Him king grew cold. This discourse in
the synagogue, they declared, had opened their eyes. Now they were
undeceived. In their minds His words were a direct confession that He
was not the Messiah, and that no earthly rewards were to be realized
from connection with Him. They had welcomed His miracle-working
power; they were eager to be freed from disease and suffering; but
they would not come into sympathy with His self-sacrificing life. They
cared not for the mysterious spiritual kingdom of which He spoke. The
insincere, the selfish, who had sought Him, no longer desired Him.
If He would not devote His power and influence to obtaining their
freedom from the Romans, they would have nothing to do with Him.
Jesus told them plainly, “There are some of you that believe not;”
adding, “Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto Me,
except it were given unto him of My Father.” He wished them to
understand that if they were not drawn to Him it was because their
hearts were not open to the Holy Spirit. “The natural man receiveth
not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him:
neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”
Corinthians 2:14
. It is by faith that the soul beholds the glory of Jesus.
This glory is hidden, until, through the Holy Spirit, faith is kindled in
the soul.
By the public rebuke of their unbelief these disciples were still
further alienated from Jesus. They were greatly displeased, and wish-
ing to wound the Saviour and gratify the malice of the Pharisees, they
turned their backs upon Him, and left Him with disdain. They had