Seite 385 - The Desire of Ages (1898)

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At the Feast of Tabernacles
expressed doubt and unbelief. They attributed cowardice and weakness
to Him. If He knew that He was the Messiah, why this strange reserve
and inaction? If He really possessed such power, why not go boldly to
Jerusalem, and assert His claims? Why not perform in Jerusalem the
wonderful works reported of Him in Galilee? Do not hide in secluded
provinces, they said, and perform your mighty works for the benefit of
ignorant peasants and fishermen. Present yourself at the capital, win
the support of the priests and rulers, and unite the nation in establishing
the new kingdom.
These brothers of Jesus reasoned from the selfish motive so often
found in the hearts of those ambitious for display. This spirit was the
ruling spirit of the world. They were offended because, instead of
seeking a temporal throne, Christ had declared Himself to be the bread
of life. They were greatly disappointed when so many of His disciples
forsook Him. They themselves turned from Him to escape the cross
of acknowledging what His works revealed—that He was the Sent of
“Then Jesus said unto them, My time is not yet come: but your time
is alway ready. The world cannot hate you; but Me it hateth, because I
testify of it, that the works thereof are evil. Go ye up unto this feast: I
go not up yet unto this feast; for My time is not yet full come. When
He had said these words unto them, He abode still in Galilee.” His
brothers had spoken to Him in a tone of authority, prescribing the
course He should pursue. He cast their rebuke back to them, classing
them not with His self-denying disciples, but with the world. “The
world cannot hate you,” He said, “but Me it hateth, because I testify of
it, that the works thereof are evil.” The world does not hate those who
are like it in spirit; it loves them as its own.
The world for Christ was not a place of ease and self-
aggrandizement. He was not watching for an opportunity to seize
its power and its glory. It held out no such prize for Him. It was the
place into which His Father had sent Him. He had been given for the
life of the world, to work out the great plan of redemption. He was
accomplishing His work for the fallen race. But He was not to be
presumptuous, not to rush into danger, not to hasten a crisis. Each
event in His work had its appointed hour. He must wait patiently. He
knew that He was to receive the world’s hatred; He knew that His work