Seite 393 - The Desire of Ages (1898)

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Among Snares
and traditions; and the people do not search the Scriptures for them-
selves, and judge for themselves as to what is truth; but they yield up
their judgment, and commit their souls to their leaders. The preaching
and teaching of His word is one of the means that God has ordained
for diffusing light; but we must bring every man’s teaching to the test
of Scripture. Whoever will prayerfully study the Bible, desiring to
know the truth, that he may obey it, will receive divine enlightenment.
He will understand the Scriptures. “If any man willeth to do His will,
he shall know of the teaching.”
John 7:17
, R. V.
On the last day of the feast, the officers sent out by the priests and
rulers to arrest Jesus, returned without Him. They were angrily ques-
tioned, “Why have ye not brought Him?” With solemn countenance
they answered, “Never man spake like this Man.”
Hardened as were their hearts, they were melted by His words.
While He was speaking in the temple court, they had lingered near,
to catch something that might be turned against Him. But as they
listened, the purpose for which they had been sent was forgotten. They
stood as men entranced. Christ revealed Himself to their souls. They
saw that which priests and rulers would not see,—humanity flooded
with the glory of divinity. They returned, so filled with this thought, so
impressed by His words, that to the inquiry, “Why have ye not brought
Him?” they could only reply, “Never man spake like this Man.”
The priests and rulers, on first coming into the presence of Christ,
had felt the same conviction. Their hearts were deeply moved, and
the thought was forced upon them, “Never man spake like this Man.”
But they had stifled the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Now, enraged
that even the instruments of the law should be influenced by the hated
Galilean, they cried, “Are ye also deceived? Have any of the rulers or
of the Pharisees believed on Him? But this people who knoweth not
the law are cursed.”
Those to whom the message of truth is spoken seldom ask, “Is
it true?” but, “By whom is it advocated?” Multitudes estimate it by
the numbers who accept it; and the question is still asked, “Have any
of the learned men or religious leaders believed?” Men are no more
favorable to real godliness now than in the days of Christ. They are
just as intently seeking earthly good, to the neglect of eternal riches;
and it is not an argument against the truth, that large numbers are not