Seite 447 - The Desire of Ages (1898)

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“One Thing Thou Lackest”
not so much to him as his own name among men or his possessions.
To give up his earthly treasure, that was seen, for the heavenly treasure,
that was unseen, was too great a risk. He refused the offer of eternal
life, and went away, and ever after the world was to receive his worship.
Thousands are passing through this ordeal, weighing Christ against
the world; and many choose the world. Like the young ruler, they turn
from the Saviour, saying in their hearts, I will not have this Man as my
Christ’s dealing with the young man is presented as an object
lesson. God has given us the rule of conduct which every one of
His servants must follow. It is obedience to His law, not merely a
legal obedience, but an obedience which enters into the life, and is
exemplified in the character. God has set His own standard of character
for all who would become subjects of His kingdom. Only those who
will become co-workers with Christ, only those who will say, Lord,
all I have and all I am is Thine, will be acknowledged as sons and
daughters of God. All should consider what it means to desire heaven,
and yet to turn away because of the conditions laid down. Think of
what it means to say “No” to Christ. The ruler said, No, I cannot give
You all. Do we say the same? The Saviour offers to share with us
the work God has given us to do. He offers to use the means God has
given us, to carry forward His work in the world. Only in this way can
He save us.
The ruler’s possessions were entrusted to him that he might prove
himself a faithful steward; he was to dispense these goods for the
blessing of those in need. So God now entrusts men with means,
with talents and opportunities, that they may be His agents in helping
the poor and the suffering. He who uses his entrusted gifts as God
designs becomes a co-worker with the Saviour. He wins souls to
Christ, because he is a representative of His character.
To those who, like the young ruler, are in high positions of trust
and have great possessions, it may seem too great a sacrifice to give
up all in order to follow Christ. But this is the rule of conduct for all
who would become His disciples. Nothing short of obedience can be
accepted. Self-surrender is the substance of the teachings of Christ.
Often it is presented and enjoined in language that seems authoritative,
because there is no other way to save man than to cut away those
things which, if entertained, will demoralize the whole being.