Seite 507 - The Desire of Ages (1898)

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Temple Cleansed Again
demonstrations. They represented to the people that the house of God
was desecrated by the feet of the children and the shouts of rejoicing.
Finding that their words made no impression on the people, the rulers
appealed to Christ: “Hearest Thou what these say? And Jesus saith
unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and
sucklings Thou hast perfected praise?” Prophecy had foretold that
Christ should be proclaimed as king, and that word must be fulfilled.
The priests and rulers of Israel refused to herald His glory, and God
moved upon the children to be His witnesses. Had the voices of the
children been silent, the very pillars of the temple would have sounded
the Saviour’s praise.
The Pharisees were utterly perplexed and disconcerted. One whom
they could not intimidate was in command. Jesus had taken His
position as guardian of the temple. Never before had He assumed such
kingly authority. Never before had His words and works possessed so
great power. He had done marvelous works throughout Jerusalem, but
never before in a manner so solemn and impressive. In presence of the
people who had witnessed His wonderful works, the priests and rulers
dared not show Him open hostility. Though enraged and confounded
by His answer, they were unable to accomplish anything further that
The next morning the Sanhedrin again considered what course
to pursue toward Jesus. Three years before, they had demanded a
sign of His Messiahship. Since that time He had wrought mighty
works throughout the land. He had healed the sick, miraculously fed
thousands of people, walked upon the waves, and spoken peace to the
troubled sea. He had repeatedly read the hearts of men as an open
book; He had cast out demons, and raised the dead. The rulers had
before them the evidences of His Messiahship. They now decided to
demand no sign of His authority, but to draw out some admission or
declaration by which He might be condemned.
Repairing to the temple where He was teaching, they proceeded
to question Him: “By what authority doest Thou these things? and
who gave Thee this authority?” They expected Him to claim that His
authority was from God. Such an assertion they intended to deny.
But Jesus met them with a question apparently pertaining to another
subject, and He made His reply to them conditional on their answering