Seite 614 - The Desire of Ages (1898)

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The Desire of Ages
“Art Thou then the Son of God?” they asked with one voice. He
said unto them, “Ye say that I am.” They cried out, “What need we any
further witness? for we ourselves have heard of His own mouth.”
And so by the third condemnation of the Jewish authorities, Jesus
was to die. All that was now necessary, they thought, was for the
Romans to ratify this condemnation, and deliver Him into their hands.
Then came the third scene of abuse and mockery, worse even than
that received from the ignorant rabble. In the very presence of the
priests and rulers, and with their sanction, this took place. Every
feeling of sympathy or humanity had gone out of their hearts. If their
arguments were weak, and failed to silence His voice, they had other
weapons, such as in all ages have been used to silence heretics,—
suffering, and violence, and death.
When the condemnation of Jesus was pronounced by the judges, a
satanic fury took possession of the people. The roar of voices was like
that of wild beasts. The crowd made a rush toward Jesus, crying, He is
guilty, put Him to death! Had it not been for the Roman soldiers, Jesus
would not have lived to be nailed to the cross of Calvary. He would
have been torn in pieces before His judges, had not Roman authority
interfered, and by force of arms restrained the violence of the mob.
Heathen men were angry at the brutal treatment of one against
whom nothing had been proved. The Roman officers declared that
the Jews in pronouncing condemnation upon Jesus were infringing
upon the Roman power, and that it was even against the Jewish law to
condemn a man to death upon his own testimony. This intervention
brought a momentary lull in the proceedings; but the Jewish leaders
were dead alike to pity and to shame.
Priests and rulers forgot the dignity of their office, and abused the
Son of God with foul epithets. They taunted Him with His parent-
age. They declared that His presumption in proclaiming Himself the
Messiah made Him deserving of the most ignominious death. The
most dissolute men engaged in infamous abuse of the Saviour. An old
garment was thrown over His head, and His persecutors struck Him
in the face, saying, “Prophesy unto us, Thou Christ, Who is he that
smote Thee?” When the garment was removed, one poor wretch spat
in His face.
The angels of God faithfully recorded every insulting look, word,
and act against their beloved Commander. One day the base men who