Seite 620 - The Desire of Ages (1898)

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The Desire of Ages
declared. “Have not I chosen you twelve,” He said, “and one of you is
a devil?”
John 6:70
Yet Judas made no open opposition, nor seemed to question the
Saviour’s lessons. He made no outward murmur until the time of
the feast in Simon’s house. When Mary anointed the Saviour’s feet,
Judas manifested his covetous disposition. At the reproof from Jesus
his very spirit seemed turned to gall. Wounded pride and desire for
revenge broke down the barriers, and the greed so long indulged held
him in control. This will be the experience of everyone who persists in
tampering with sin. The elements of depravity that are not resisted and
overcome, respond to Satan’s temptation, and the soul is led captive at
his will.
But Judas was not yet wholly hardened. Even after he had twice
pledged himself to betray the Saviour, there was opportunity for repen-
tance. At the Passover supper Jesus proved His divinity by revealing
the traitor’s purpose. He tenderly included Judas in the ministry to the
disciples. But the last appeal of love was unheeded. Then the case of
Judas was decided, and the feet that Jesus had washed went forth to
the betrayer’s work.
Judas reasoned that if Jesus was to be crucified, the event must
come to pass. His own act in betraying the Saviour would not change
the result. If Jesus was not to die, it would only force Him to deliver
Himself. At all events, Judas would gain something by his treachery.
He counted that he had made a sharp bargain in betraying his Lord.
Judas did not, however, believe that Christ would permit Himself
to be arrested. In betraying Him, it was his purpose to teach Him a
lesson. He intended to play a part that would make the Saviour careful
thenceforth to treat him with due respect. But Judas knew not that
he was giving Christ up to death. How often, as the Saviour taught
in parables, the scribes and Pharisees had been carried away with
His striking illustrations! How often they had pronounced judgment
against themselves! Often when the truth was brought home to their
hearts, they had been filled with rage, and had taken up stones to cast
at Him; but again and again He had made His escape. Since He had
escaped so many snares, thought Judas, He certainly would not now
allow Himself to be taken.
Judas decided to put the matter to the test. If Jesus really was the
Messiah, the people, for whom He had done so much, would rally