Seite 625 - The Desire of Ages (1898)

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In Pilate’s Judgment Hall
If your judgment is sufficient, he said, why bring the prisoner to
me? “Take ye Him, and judge Him according to your law.” Thus
pressed, the priests said that they had already passed sentence upon
Him, but that they must have Pilate’s sentence to render their condem-
nation valid. What is your sentence? Pilate asked. The death sentence,
they answered; but it is not lawful for us to put any man to death. They
asked Pilate to take their word as to Christ’s guilt, and enforce their
sentence. They would take the responsibility of the result.
Pilate was not a just or a conscientious judge; but weak though he
was in moral power, he refused to grant this request. He would not
condemn Jesus until a charge had been brought against Him.
The priests were in a dilemma. They saw that they must cloak
their hypocrisy under the thickest concealment. They must not allow
it to appear that Christ had been arrested on religious grounds. Were
this put forward as a reason, their proceedings would have no weight
with Pilate. They must make it appear that Jesus was working against
the common law; then He could be punished as a political offender.
Tumults and insurrection against the Roman government were con-
stantly arising among the Jews. With these revolts the Romans had
dealt very rigorously, and they were constantly on the watch to repress
everything that could lead to an outbreak.
Only a few days before this the Pharisees had tried to entrap Christ
with the question, “Is it lawful for us to give tribute unto Caesar?” But
Christ had unveiled their hypocrisy. The Romans who were present
had seen the utter failure of the plotters, and their discomfiture at His
answer, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s.”
Luke 20:22-25
Now the priests thought to make it appear that on this occasion
Christ had taught what they hoped He would teach. In their extremity
they called false witnesses to their aid, “and they began to accuse Him,
saying, We found this fellow perverting the nation, and forbidding to
give tribute to Caesar, saying that He Himself is Christ a King.” Three
charges, each without foundation. The priests knew this, but they were
willing to commit perjury could they but secure their end.
Pilate saw through their purpose. He did not believe that the pris-
oner had plotted against the government. His meek and humble ap-
pearance was altogether out of harmony with the charge. Pilate was
convinced that a deep plot had been laid to destroy an innocent man