Seite 682 - The Desire of Ages (1898)

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The Desire of Ages
doctrines and the so-called scientific theories of the Sadducees that
the impression made on their minds in regard to the resurrection was
vague. They scarcely knew what the resurrection from the dead could
mean. They were unable to take in the great subject.
“Go your way,” the angels had said to the women, “tell His disciples
and Peter that He goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see
Him, as He said unto you.” These angels had been with Christ as
guardian angels throughout His life on earth. They had witnessed
His trial and crucifixion. They had heard His words to His disciples.
This was shown by their message to the disciples, and should have
convinced them of its truth. Such words could have come only from
the messengers of their risen Lord.
“Tell His disciples and Peter,” the angels said. Since the death
of Christ, Peter had been bowed down with remorse. His shameful
denial of the Lord, and the Saviour’s look of love and anguish, were
ever before him. Of all the disciples he had suffered most bitterly. To
him the assurance is given that his repentance is accepted and his sin
forgiven. He is mentioned by name.
“Tell His disciples and Peter that He goeth before you into Galilee:
there shall ye see Him.” All the disciples had forsaken Jesus, and the
call to meet Him again includes them all. He has not cast them off.
When Mary Magdalene told them she had seen the Lord, she repeated
the call to the meeting in Galilee. And a third time the message was
sent to them. After He had ascended to the Father, Jesus appeared
to the other women, saying, “All hail. And they came and held Him
by the feet, and worshiped Him. Then said Jesus unto them, Be not
afraid: go tell My brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall
they see Me.”
Christ’s first work on earth after His resurrection was to convince
His disciples of His undiminished love and tender regard for them. To
give them proof that He was their living Saviour, that He had broken
the fetters of the tomb, and could no longer be held by the enemy
death; to reveal that He had the same heart of love as when He was
with them as their beloved Teacher, He appeared to them again and
again. He would draw the bonds of love still closer around them. Go
tell My brethren, He said, that they meet Me in Galilee.
As they heard this appointment, so definitely given, the disciples
began to think of Christ’s words to them foretelling His resurrection.