Seite 688 - The Desire of Ages (1898)

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The Desire of Ages
another person. They thought that He was one of those who had been
in attendance at the great feast, and who was now returning to his
home. He walked as carefully as they over the rough stones, now and
then halting with them for a little rest. Thus they proceeded along the
mountainous road, while the One who was soon to take His position
at God’s right hand, and who could say, “All power is given unto Me
in heaven and in earth,” walked beside them.
Matthew 28:18
During the journey the sun had gone down, and before the travelers
reached their place of rest, the laborers in the fields had left their work.
As the disciples were about to enter their home, the stranger appeared
as though He would continue His journey. But the disciples felt drawn
to Him. Their souls hungered to hear more from Him. “Abide with us,”
they said. He did not seem to accept the invitation, but they pressed
it upon Him, urging, “It is toward evening, and the day is far spent.”
Christ yielded to this entreaty and “went in to tarry with them.”
Had the disciples failed to press their invitation, they would not
have known that their traveling companion was the risen Lord. Christ
never forces His company upon anyone. He interests Himself in those
who need Him. Gladly will He enter the humblest home, and cheer the
lowliest heart. But if men are too indifferent to think of the heavenly
Guest, or ask Him to abide with them, He passes on. Thus many
meet with great loss. They do not know Christ any more than did the
disciples as He walked with them by the way.
The simple evening meal of bread is soon prepared. It is placed
before the guest, who has taken His seat at the head of the table. Now
He puts forth His hands to bless the food. The disciples start back in
astonishment. Their companion spreads forth His hands in exactly the
same way as their Master used to do. They look again, and lo, they
see in His hands the print of nails. Both exclaim at once, It is the Lord
Jesus! He has risen from the dead!
They rise to cast themselves at His feet and worship Him, but He
has vanished out of their sight. They look at the place which had been
occupied by One whose body had lately lain in the grave, and say to
each other, “Did not our heart burn within us, while He talked with us
by the way, and while He opened to us the Scriptures?”
But with this great news to communicate they cannot sit and talk.
Their weariness and hunger are gone. They leave their meal untasted,
and full of joy immediately set out again on the same path by which