Seite 701 - The Desire of Ages (1898)

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By the Sea Once More
Jesus thus made known to Peter the very manner of his death; He
even foretold the stretching forth of his hands upon the cross. Again
He bade His disciple, “Follow Me.” Peter was not disheartened by the
revelation. He felt willing to suffer any death for his Lord.
Heretofore Peter had known Christ after the flesh, as many know
Him now; but he was no more to be thus limited. He knew Him no
more as he had known Him in his association with Him in humanity.
He had loved Him as a man, as a heaven-sent teacher; he now loved
Him as God. He had been learning the lesson that to him Christ was all
in all. Now he was prepared to share in his Lord’s mission of sacrifice.
When at last brought to the cross, he was, at his own request, crucified
with his head downward. He thought it too great an honor to suffer in
the same way as his Master did.
To Peter the words “Follow Me” were full of instruction. Not
only for his death, but for every step of his life, was the lesson given.
Hitherto Peter had been inclined to act independently. He had tried to
plan for the work of God, instead of waiting to follow out God’s plan.
But he could gain nothing by rushing on before the Lord. Jesus bids
him, “Follow Me.” Do not run ahead of Me. Then you will not have
the hosts of Satan to meet alone. Let Me go before you, and you will
not be overcome by the enemy.
As Peter walked beside Jesus, he saw that John was following. A
desire came over him to know his future, and he “saith to Jesus, Lord,
and what shall this man do? Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry
till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou Me.” Peter should have
considered that his Lord would reveal to him all that it was best for
him to know. It is the duty of everyone to follow Christ, without undue
anxiety as to the work assigned to others. In saying of John, “If I will
that he tarry till I come,” Jesus gave no assurance that this disciple
should live until the Lord’s second coming. He merely asserted His
own supreme power, and that even if He should will this to be so, it
would in no way affect Peter’s work. The future of both John and Peter
was in the hands of their Lord. Obedience in following Him was the
duty required of each.
How many today are like Peter! They are interested in the affairs
of others, and anxious to know their duty, while they are in danger
of neglecting their own. It is our work to look to Christ and follow
Him. We shall see mistakes in the lives of others, and defects in their