Seite 177 - Daughters of God (1998)

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Marriage, Home, Family
In simple language speak the words of truth to them. Sing to them
pleasant, attractive songs, which reveal the love of Christ. Bring your
children to Jesus, for He loves little children.
Keep cheerful. Do not forget that you have a Comforter, the Holy
Spirit, which Christ has appointed. You are never alone. If you will
listen to the voice that now speaks to you, if you will respond without
delay to the knocking at the door of your heart, “Come in, Lord Jesus,
that I may sup with Thee, and Thee with me,” the heavenly Guest will
enter. When this element, which is all divine, abides with you, there is
peace and rest. It is the kingdom of heaven come nigh unto you.
Let every hour be one of trust and prayer and faith. You may
expect trials. We must all be purified from dross, and made white and
tried. In the time of trial, seek to bring every thought into captivity to
Jesus Christ. One foe after another may come in unexpected ways, but
dismiss the temptations of the enemy. In this way, we go on from grace
to grace, from strength to strength, obtaining one spiritual victory after
Hold fast to Christ, and He will give you His strong arm to lean
upon. There is a crown of life for the overcomer.
Close union with Christ means to do the words of Christ. He calls
this union a continuance of His love. Then the heart is in harmony
with God. Treasure up the promises, doing every little duty faithfully,
as unto God. “If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my
love.” Here is compliance and dependence.
You have a strong Helper, and while you trust in your surety, you
are safe. The sapless twig, grafted into the living vine, partakes of the
same nourishment [as] the vine, and becomes a branch. The closest
possible relation between the sinner and the Saviour is seen when the
sinner is a doer of the Word of God. Then the heart, the will, the mind,
are in close union with Christ. By faith, finite, feeble, helpless human-
ity joins its feebleness to His strength. Such a union—[showing] entire
confidence and love—our helplessness and dependence demands.
Christ died a shameful death that He might bring us unto God.
When the soul is persuaded that Christ is able to save to the uttermost
all who come unto Him, when it resigns itself entirely to Him as an
all-sufficient Saviour, when it clings to the promises made and believes
fully in Jesus, it is pronounced by God [as] one with Christ. A soul
that depends on Christ with the simplicity that a child depends upon