Seite 189 - Daughters of God (1998)

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but I know your defects of character. The Lord I love has shown me,
and you, in His Holy Word that you may be His children, but you need
His grace daily to overcome your errors of character.
All these things I have mentioned, or even one of them, if not
overcome, will exclude you from heaven; for nothing can enter there
but that which is pure and holy. I want that our labors for you, my
children, should not be in vain. I want you to be happy in the beautiful
world Jesus has prepared for those who love Him and seek to be like
Him in character.
Do not neglect this matter. Be in earnest; battle with all your
might against everything unlovely in character. You will be happier
yourselves for this; you will make others happy around you, and you
can, in your words and correct deportment, show that you are copying
the Pattern, forming your character according to the character of Christ.
May, my dear child, I do not wish you to overwork, but I want
you to be prompt and bear your share of responsibility. Those who
do work only when compelled to do so will be worthless. You can
do work with cheerfulness and not wait to be told. Be faithful in
little things, and then it will be easy for you to be faithful in larger
things. Remember, there are duties for you to perform [that are] just
as important to perfect your experience as the duties those older have
to do to perfect their experience. Do your work, not as though it was
a burden, but a pleasure, as though done for Jesus. Your Saviour was
an obedient child, working with His father at the simple trade of a
carpenter. You must eat and drink in order to live, and then, as a
natural result, the dishes must be washed, and floors swept, if you live
in houses.
Now act your part with fidelity, doing your work for Jesus. I may
write you again. I want you both to strive to excel in having the
ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which in the sight of God is of
great price....
Well, goodbye, my dear children. Be kind, be respectful to others
older than yourselves.—
Letter 3, 1881
Children’s Responsibility to Care for an Elderly Mother
Mary Chase was the sister of James White. During his lifetime
he and Ellen had cared for his sister. After James died, Ellen White