Page 109 - Early Writings (1882)

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that is to light them in the narrow way to heaven. He is making the
world believe that the Bible is uninspired, no better than a storybook,
while he holds out something to take its place; namely,
Here is a channel wholly devoted to himself and under his con-
trol, and he can make the world believe what he will. The Book
that is to judge him and his followers he puts back in the shade,
just where he wants it. The Saviour of the world he makes to be no
more than a common man; and as the Roman guard that watched the
tomb of Jesus spread the lying report that the chief priests and elders
put into their mouths, so will the poor, deluded followers of these
pretended spiritual manifestations repeat and try to make it appear
that there is nothing miraculous about our Saviour’s birth, death, and
resurrection. After putting Jesus in the background, they attract the
attention of the world to themselves and to their miracles and lying
wonders, which, they declare, far exceed the works of Christ. Thus
the world is taken in the snare and lulled into a feeling of security,
not to find out their awful deception until the seven last plagues are
poured out. Satan laughs as he sees his plan succeed so well and the
whole world taken in the snare.
5. On page 55, I stated that a cloud of glorious light covered the
Father and that His person could not be seen. I also stated that I saw
the Father rise from the throne. The Father was enshrouded with a
body of light and glory, so that His person could not be seen; yet I
knew that it was the Father and that from His person emanated this
light and glory. When I saw this body of light and glory rise from
the throne, I knew it was because the Father moved, therefore said,
I saw the Father rise. The glory, or excellency, of His form I never
saw; no one could behold it and live; yet the body of light and glory
that enshrouded His person could be seen.
I also stated that “Satan
to be by the throne, trying to
carry on the work of God.” I will give another sentence from the
same page: “I turned to look at the company who were still bowed
before the throne.” Now this praying company was in this mortal
state, on the earth, yet represented to me as bowed before the throne.
I never had the idea that these individuals were actually in the New
Jerusalem. Neither did I ever think that any mortal could suppose
that I believed that Satan was actually in the New Jerusalem. But