Page 112 - Early Writings (1882)

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Early Writings
through an abundance of means thrown out carelessly and hastily,
souls might be injured and lost, and that now, when the truth is to be
spread more extensively, the lack might be felt. His design has, in
some degree, been accomplished.
The Lord has shown the error of many in looking to those only
who have property to support the publication of the paper and tracts.
should act their part. Those who have strength to labor with their
hands, and earn means to help sustain the cause, are as accountable
for it as others are for their property. Every child of God who
professes to believe the present truth, should be zealous to act his
part in this cause.
July, 1853, I saw that it was not as it should be that the paper,
owned and approved by God, should come out so seldom. The cause,
in the time in which we are living, demands the paper weekly, [
Review and Herald
previous to this time had been published quite
irregularly and was now issued semimonthly.
] And the publication
of many more tracts to expose the increasing errors of this time;
but the work is hindered for want of means. I saw that the truth
must go and that we must not be too fearful, that tracts and papers
might better go to three where they were not needed than to have
one deprived of them who prizes them and can be benefited by them.
I saw that the last-day signs should be brought out clearly, for the
manifestations of Satan are on the increase. The publications of
Satan and his agents are increasing, their power is growing, and
what we do to get the truth before others must be done quickly.
I was shown that the truth once published now, will stand, for it
is the truth for the last days; it will live, and less need be said upon
it in future. Numberless words need not be put upon paper to justify
what speaks for itself and shines in its clearness. Truth is straight,
plain, clear, and stands out boldly in its own defense; but it is not so
with error. It is so winding and twisting that it needs a multitude of
words to explain it in its crooked form. I saw that all the light they
had received in some places had come from the paper; that souls had
received the truth in this way, and then talked it to others; and that
now in places where there are several, they had been raised up by
this silent messenger. It was their only preacher. The cause of truth
should not be hindered in its onward progress for want of means.