Page 118 - Early Writings (1882)

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Early Writings
pure and holy the ministers of the sanctuary had to be, because they
were brought by their work into a close connection with God. They
that minister must be holy, pure, and without blemish, or God will
destroy them. God has not changed. He is just as holy and pure, just
as particular, as He ever was. Those who profess to be the ministers
of Jesus should be men of experience and deep piety, and then at all
times and in all places they can shed a holy influence.
I have seen that it is now time for the messengers to move out
wherever there is an opening, and that God will go before them
and open the hearts of some to hear. New places must be entered,
and, wherever this is done, it would be well, if consistent, to go
two and two, so as to hold up each other’s hands. A plan like this
was presented: It would be well for two brethren to start together
and travel in company to the darkest places, where there is much
opposition and where the most labor is needed, and with united
efforts and strong faith set the truth before those in darkness. And
then, if they could accomplish more by visiting many places, to
go separately, but often meet, while on the tour, to encourage each
other by their faith, and thereby strengthen and hold up each other’s
hands. Also, let them consult upon the places opened for them, and
decide which of their gifts will be the most needed, and in what way
they can have the most success in reaching the heart. Then as they
separate again their courage and energy will be renewed to meet
the opposition and darkness and to labor with feeling hearts to save
perishing souls.
I saw that the servants of God should not go over and over the
same field of labor, but should be searching out souls in new places.
Those who are already established in the truth should not demand
so much of their labor; for they ought to be able to stand alone, and
strengthen others about them, while the messengers of God visit the
dark and lonely places, setting the truth before those who are not
now enlightened as to the present truth.
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