Page 121 - Early Writings (1882)

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Church Difficulties
How much easier it would be to affect the heart and how much
more would God be glorified if His servants were free from dis-
couragement and trial, that they might with a free spirit present the
truth in its beauty. Those who have been guilty of requiring so
much labor of God’s servants and burdening them with trials which
belong to themselves to settle, will have to give account to God for
all the time and means that have been spent to gratify themselves,
thereby satisfying the enemy. They should be in a situation to help
their brethren. They should never defer their trials and difficulties to
burden a whole meeting, or wait until some of the messengers come
to settle them; but they should get right before God themselves, have
their trials all out of the way, and be prepared when laborers come
to hold up their hands instead of weakening them.
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