Page 127 - Early Writings (1882)

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Preparation for Christ’s Coming
this world is not our home, but that we are pilgrims and strangers
here, traveling to a better country.
Many who profess the name of Christ and claim to be looking
for His speedy coming, know not what it is to suffer for Christ’s
sake. Their hearts are not subdued by grace, and they are not dead
to self, as is often shown in various ways. At the same time they
are talking of having trials. But the principal cause of their trials is
an unsubdued heart, which makes self so sensitive that it is often
crossed. If such could realize what it is to be a humble follower of
Christ, a true Christian, they would begin to work in good earnest
and begin right. They would first die to self, then be instant in prayer,
and check every passion of the heart. Give up your self-confidence
and self-sufficiency, brethren, and follow the meek Pattern. Ever
keep Jesus in your mind that He is your example and you must tread
in His footsteps. Look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our
faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross,
despising the shame. He endured the contradiction of sinners against
Himself. He for our sins was once the meek, slain lamb, wounded,
bruised, smitten, and afflicted.
Let us, then, cheerfully suffer something for Jesus’ sake, crucify
self daily, and be partakers of Christ’s sufferings here, that we may
be made partakers with Him of His glory, and be crowned with glory,
honor, immortality, and eternal life.
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