Page 184 - Early Writings (1882)

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Early Writings
body an honored burial, but knew not how to obtain it. Joseph of
Arimathaea, a wealthy and influential councilor of the Jews and a
true disciple of Jesus, went privately yet boldly to Pilate and begged
from him the Saviour’s body. He dared not go openly, because of the
hatred of the Jews. The disciples feared that an effort would be made
by them to prevent the body of Christ from having an honored resting
place. Pilate granted the request, and the disciples took the lifeless
form down from the cross, while in deep anguish they mourned over
their blighted hopes. Carefully the body was wrapped in fine linen,
and laid in Joseph’s new sepulcher.
The women who had been Christ’s humble followers while He
lived, would not leave Him until they saw Him laid in the tomb
and a stone of great weight placed before the door, lest His enemies
should seek to obtain His body. But they need not have feared; for I
saw that the angelic host watched with untold interest in the resting
place of Jesus, earnestly waiting for the command to act their part in
liberating the King of glory from His prison house.
Christ’s murderers feared that He might yet come to life and
escape them. They therefore asked of Pilate a watch to guard the
sepulcher until the third day. This was granted, and the stone at the
door was sealed, lest His disciples should steal Him away and say
that He had risen from the dead.