Page 191 - Early Writings (1882)

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Resurrection of Christ
came by night, while they slept, and stole the body of Jesus. Satan
had put this lie into the hearts and mouths of the chief priests, and
the people stood ready to receive their word. But God had made
this matter sure, and placed this important event, upon which our
salvation depends, beyond all doubt; and it was impossible for priests
and elders to cover it up. Witnesses were raised from the dead to
testify to Christ’s resurrection.
Jesus remained with His disciples forty days, causing them joy
and gladness of heart as He opened to them more fully the realities
of the kingdom of God. He commissioned them to bear testimony to
the things which they had seen and heard concerning His sufferings,
death, and resurrection, that He had made a sacrifice for sin, and that
all who would might come unto Him and find life. With faithful ten-
derness He told them that they would be persecuted and distressed;
but they would find relief in recalling their experience and remem-
bering the words which He had spoken to them. He told them that
He had overcome the temptations of Satan and obtained the victory
through trials and suffering. Satan could have no more power over
Him, but would bring his temptations to bear more directly upon
them and upon all who should believe in His name. But they could
overcome as He had overcome. Jesus endowed His disciples with
power to work miracles, and told them that although they should
be persecuted by wicked men, He would from time to time send
His angels to deliver them; their lives could not be taken until their
mission should be accomplished; then they might be required to seal
with their blood the testimonies which they had borne.
His anxious followers gladly listened to His teachings, eagerly
feasting upon every word which fell from His holy lips. Now they
certainly knew that He was the Saviour of the world. His words
sank deep into their hearts, and they sorrowed that they must soon be
parted from their heavenly Teacher and no longer hear comforting,
gracious words from His lips. But again their hearts were warmed
with love and exceeding joy, as Jesus told them that He would go
and prepare mansions for them and come again and receive them,
that they might be ever with Him. He promised also to send the
Comforter, the Holy Spirit, to guide them into all truth. “And He
lifted up His hands, and blessed them.”