Page 201 - Early Writings (1882)

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Conversion of Saul
way as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest receive thy
sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost.”
Immediately Saul received sight and arose and was baptized.
He then taught in the synagogues that Jesus was indeed the Son of
God. All who heard him were amazed and inquired, “Is not this
he that destroyed them which called on this name in Jerusalem,
and came hither for that intent, that he might bring them bound
unto the chief priests?” But Saul increased the more in strength,
and confounded the Jews. They were again in trouble. All were
acquainted with Saul’s opposition to Jesus and his zeal in hunting
out and delivering up to death all who believed on His name; and his
miraculous conversion convinced many that Jesus was the Son of
God. Saul related his experience in the power of the Holy Spirit. He
was persecuting unto death, binding and delivering into prison both
men and women, when, as he journeyed to Damascus, suddenly a
great light from heaven shone round about him, and Jesus revealed
Himself to him, and taught him that He was the Son of God.
As Saul thus boldly preached Jesus, he exerted a powerful influ-
ence. He had a knowledge of the Scriptures, and after his conversion
a divine light shone upon the prophecies concerning Jesus, which
enabled him clearly and boldly to present the truth and to correct
any perversion of the Scriptures. With the Spirit of God resting
upon him, he would in a clear and forcible manner carry his hearers
down through the prophecies to the time of Christ’s first advent and
show them that the scriptures had been fulfilled which referred to
His sufferings, death, and resurrection.