Page 206 - Early Writings (1882)

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Early Writings
experience, which called forth from them an ardent desire to become
the disciples of Christ.
Again the Lord appeared to Paul and revealed to him that he
must go up to Jerusalem, that he would there be bound and suffer for
His name. Although he was a prisoner for a great length of time, yet
the Lord carried forward His special work through him. His bonds
were to be the means of spreading the knowledge of Christ and thus
glorifying God. As he was sent from city to city for his trial, his
testimony concerning Jesus and the interesting incidents of his own
conversion were related before kings and governors, that they should
be left without excuse concerning Jesus. Thousands believed on
Him and rejoiced in His name. I saw that God’s special purpose was
fulfilled in the journey of Paul upon the sea; He designed that the
ship’s crew might thus witness the power of God through Paul and
that the heathen also might hear the name of Jesus, and that many
might be converted through the teaching of Paul and by witnessing
the miracles he wrought. Kings and governors were charmed by
his reasoning, and as with zeal and the power of the Holy Spirit he
preached Jesus and related the interesting events of his experience,
conviction fastened upon them that Jesus was the Son of God. While
some wondered with amazement as they listened to Paul, one cried
out, “Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.” Yet the most of
those who heard thought that at some future time they would consider
what they had heard. Satan took advantage of the delay, and, as they
neglected the opportunity when their hearts were softened, it was
forever lost. Their hearts became hardened.
I was shown the work of Satan in first blinding the eyes of the
Jews so that they would not receive Jesus as their Saviour; and next
in leading them, through envy because of His mighty works, to
desire His life. Satan entered one of Christ’s own followers and led
him on to betray Him into the hands of His enemies, that they might
crucify the Lord of life and glory.
After Jesus arose from the dead, the Jews added sin to sin as they
sought to hide the fact of His resurrection by hiring the Roman guard
to testify to a falsehood. But the resurrection of Jesus was made
doubly sure by the resurrection of a multitude of witnesses at the
same time. After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples,