Page 227 - Early Writings (1882)

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William Miller
for the especial benefit of those who should live in the last days, to
guide them in ascertaining their true position and their duty. God
directed the mind of William Miller to the prophecies and gave him
great light upon the book of Revelation.
If Daniel’s visions had been understood, the people could better
have understood the visions of John. But at the right time, God
moved upon His chosen servant, who, with clearness and in the
power of the Holy Spirit, opened the prophecies and showed the
harmony of the visions of Daniel and John and other portions of the
Bible, and pressed home upon the hearts of the people the sacred,
fearful warnings of the Word to prepare for the coming of the Son
of man. Deep and solemn conviction rested upon the minds of those
who heard him, and ministers and people, sinners and infidels, turned
to the Lord and sought a preparation to stand in the judgment.
Angels of God accompanied William Miller in his mission. He
was firm and undaunted, fearlessly proclaiming the message com-
mitted to his trust. A world lying in wickedness and a cold, worldly
church were enough to call into action all his energies and lead him
willingly to endure toil, privation, and suffering. Although opposed
by professed Christians and the world, and buffeted by Satan and
his angels, he ceased not to preach the everlasting gospel to crowds
wherever he was invited, sounding far and near the cry, “Fear God,
and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come.”