Page 237 - Early Writings (1882)

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Advent Movement Illustrated
had rejected the light themselves, and were unwilling that others
should receive it.
I saw those who cherished the light looking upward with ardent
desire, expecting Jesus to come and take them to Himself. Soon a
cloud passed over them, and their faces were sorrowful. I inquired
the cause of this cloud and was shown that it was their disappoint-
ment. The time when they expected their Saviour had passed, and
Jesus had not come. As discouragement settled upon the waiting
ones, the ministers and leading men whom I had before noticed,
rejoiced, and all those who had rejected the light triumphed greatly,
while Satan and his evil angels also exulted.
Then I heard the voice of another angel saying, “Babylon is
fallen, is fallen!” A light shone upon those desponding ones, and
with ardent desires for His appearing, they again fixed their eyes
upon Jesus. I saw a number of angels conversing with the one who
had cried, “Babylon is fallen,” and these united with him in the
cry, “Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him.” The
musical voices of these angels seemed to reach everywhere. An
exceedingly bright and glorious light shone around those who had
cherished the light which had been imparted to them. Their faces
shone with excellent glory, and they united with the angels in the
cry, “Behold, the Bridegroom cometh.” As they harmoniously raised
the cry among the different companies, those who rejected the light
pushed them and with angry looks scorned and derided them. But
angels of God wafted their wings over the persecuted ones, while
Satan and his angels were seeking to press their darkness around
them, to lead them to reject the light from heaven.
Then I heard a voice saying to those who had been pushed and
derided, “Come out from among them, and touch not the unclean.”
In obedience to this voice, a large number broke the cords which
bound them, and leaving the companies that were in darkness, joined
those who had previously gained their freedom, and joyfully united
their voices with them. I heard the voice of earnest, agonizing prayer
from a few who still remained with the companies that were in
darkness. The ministers and leading men were passing around in
these different companies, fastening the cords more firmly; but still
I heard this voice of earnest prayer. Then I saw those who had been
praying reach out their hands for help toward the united company