Page 260 - Early Writings (1882)

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Early Writings
manifestation of selfishness on the part of His professed people,
for whom Jesus spared not His own precious life. Every selfish,
covetous person will fall out by the way. Like Judas, who sold his
Lord, they will sell good principles and a noble, generous disposition
for a little of earth’s gain. All such will be sifted out from God’s
people. Those who want heaven must, with all the energy which
they possess, be encouraging the principles of heaven. Instead of
withering up with selfishness, their souls should be expanding with
benevolence. Every opportunity should be improved in doing good
to one another and thus cherishing the principles of heaven. Jesus
was presented to me as the perfect pattern. His life was without
selfish interest, but ever marked with disinterested benevolence.