Page 293 - Early Writings (1882)

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deceptive, mesmeric influence were gaining a strange power over
some of their associates, who did not see the evil of these apparently
beautiful but seductive theories....
“Clearly the deceptions of these false teachers were laid open
before me, and I saw the fearful account that stood against them in
the book of records, and the terrible guilt that rested upon them for
professing complete holiness while their daily acts were offensive
in the sight of God.”—
Life Sketches, 83, 84
Pages 116 and 117:
The Lord’s Supper; Women Washing Men’s
Feet, and the Holy Kiss
.—The pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist
church, having accepted the Sabbath truth, eagerly reached out to
follow the word of God in every particular, while at the same time
they were careful to protect themselves against distorted interpreta-
tions of the word and any extremes or fanaticism. They saw clearly
the privileges and the obligations of the Lord’s Supper established
for the church by our Lord. There was some question about foot
washing and the holy kiss. In this vision the Lord made clear certain
delicate points that would guide and guard the emerging church
As to the matter of the frequency with which the ordinances
should be observed, some insisted on once a year; but the instruction
was given that the Lord’s Supper should be more frequently prac-
ticed. Today the church follows the plan of observing the ordinances
four times annually
Counsel was given concerning the washing of feet. Apparently
there were some differences of opinion as to the procedure to be fol-
lowed. Some had moved injudiciously and the result had been “con-
fusion.” Counsel was given that this ordinance should be performed
with care and reserve, in such a way as not to arouse prejudice.
There was some question about the propriety of men and women
washing one another’s feet. On this point Ellen White brought forth
scripture evidence which indicated that it would be proper for a
woman—apparently under certain conditions—to wash the feet of a
man, but she counseled against a man washing the feet of a woman
Concerning the holy kiss, the
SDA Bible Commentary
“In the East, especially, the kiss was a common mode of express-
ing love and friendship in greeting. (See
Luke 7:45
Acts 20:37
The ‘holy kiss,’ or ‘kiss of charity’ (
1 Peter 5:14
), was a symbol of
Christian affection. It seems to have become a custom with early