Page 76 - Early Writings (1882)

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Early Writings
they desired to be taught, He would teach them, in a time of need,
when to sell and how much to sell. Some have been required to
dispose of their property in times past to sustain the Advent cause,
while others have been permitted to keep theirs until a time of need.
Then, as the cause needs it, their duty is to sell.
I saw that the message, “Sell that ye have, and give alms,” has
not been given, by some, in its clear light, and the object of the
words of our Saviour has not been clearly presented. The object
of selling is not to give to those who are able to labor and support
themselves, but to spread the truth. It is a sin to support and indulge
in idleness those who are able to labor. Some have been zealous to
attend all the meetings, not to glorify God, but for the “loaves and
fishes.” Such would much better have been at home laboring with
their hands, “the thing that is good,” to supply the wants of their
families and to have something to give to sustain the precious cause
of present truth. Now is the time to lay up treasure in heaven and
to set our hearts in order, ready for the time of trouble. Those only
who have clean hands and pure hearts will stand in that trying time.
Now is the time for the law of God to be in our minds, foreheads,
and written in our hearts.
The Lord has shown me the danger of letting our minds be filled
with worldly thoughts and cares. I saw that some minds are led
away from present truth and a love of the Holy Bible by reading
other exciting books; others are filled with perplexity and care for
what they shall eat, drink, and wear. Some are looking too far off
for the coming of the Lord. Time has continued a few years longer
than they expected; therefore they think it may continue a few years
more, and in this way their minds are being led from present truth,
out after the world. In these things I saw great danger; for if the
mind is filled with other things, present truth is shut out, and there is
no place in our foreheads for the seal of the living God. I saw that
the time for Jesus to be in the most holy place was nearly finished
and that time can last but a very little longer. What leisure time we
have should be spent in searching the Bible, which is to judge us in
the last day.
My dear brethren and sisters, let the commandments of God and
the testimony of Jesus Christ be in your minds continually and let
them crowd out worldly thoughts and cares. When you lie down and