Seite 102 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
that they should not be deficient in the knowledge of the sciences.
Piety and a religious experience lie at the very foundation of true
education. But let none feel that having an earnestness in religious
matters is all that is essential in order to become educators. While
they need no less of piety, they also need a thorough knowledge of the
sciences. This will make them not only good, practical Christians, but
will enable them to educate the youth, and at the same time they will
have heavenly wisdom to lead them to the fountain of living waters.
He is a Christian who aims to reach the highest attainments for the
purpose of doing others good. Knowledge harmoniously blended with
a Christlike character will make a person truly a light to the world. God
works with human efforts. All those who give all diligence to make
their calling and election sure, will feel that a superficial knowledge
will not fit them for positions of usefulness. Education balanced by
a solid religious experience, fits the child of God to do his appointed
work steadily, firmly, understandingly. If one is learning of Jesus,
the greatest educator the world ever knew, he will not only have a
symmetrical Christian character, but a mind trained to effectual labor.
Minds that are quick to discern will go deep beneath the surface.
God does not want us to be content with lazy, undisciplined minds,
dull thoughts, and loose memories. He wants every teacher to be
efficient, not to feel satisfied with some measure of success, but to feel
his need of perpetual diligence in acquiring knowledge. Our bodies
and souls belong to God, for He has bought them. He has given us
talents, and has made it possible for us to acquire more, in order that
we may be able to help ourselves and others onward in the way to life.
It is the work of each individual to develop and strengthen the gifts
which God has lent him, with which to do most earnest, practical work,
both in temporal and religious things. If all realized this, what a vast
difference we should see in our schools, in our churches, and in our
missions! But the larger number are content with a meager knowledge,
a few attainments, just to be passable; and the necessity of being men
like Daniel and Moses, men of influence, men whose characters have
become harmonious by their working to bless humanity and glorify
God,—such an experience but few have had, and the result is, there
are but few now fitted for the great want of the times.
God does not ignore ignorant men, but if they are connected with
Christ, if they are sanctified through the truth, they will be constantly