Seite 104 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
children and youth to their Saviour. This is one of the branches of the
work that is crippling along for the want of efficient, discerning men
and women who feel their accountability to God to use their powers,
not to exhibit self, not for vainglory, but to do good.
How broad and extended the command is, “Go ye therefore, and
teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even
unto the end of the world”! What honor is here conferred upon man,
and yet how large a number hug the shore! How few will launch out
into the deep, and let down their nets for a draught! Now, if this is
done, if men are laborers together with God, if men are called to act in
city missions, and to meet all classes of minds, there should be special
preparations for this kind of work.—
The Review and Herald, June 21,
For Additional Reading
1888, Apr. 17 Divine Wisdom Review & Herald