Seite 116 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
the corruptions that are in the world through lust. Those who are
truly the followers of Christ, will not serve God only when it is in
accordance with their inclination, but, as well, when it involves self-
denial and cross-bearing. The earnest counsel given by the apostle
Paul to Timothy, that he might not fail in doing his duty, should be
set before the youth of today: “Let no man despise thy youth; but be
thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity,
in spirit, in faith, in purity.” Besetting sins must be battled with and
overcome. Objectionable traits of character, whether hereditary or
cultivated, should be taken up separately, and compared with the great
rule of righteousness; and in the light reflected from the word of God,
they should be firmly resisted and overcome, through the strength of
Christ. “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no
man shall see the Lord.”
Day by day, and hour by hour, there must be a vigorous process
of self-denial and of sanctification going on within; and then the
outward works will testify that Jesus is abiding in the heart by faith.
Sanctification does not close the avenues of the soul to knowledge, but
it comes to expand the mind, and to inspire it to search for truth, as for
hidden treasure; and the knowledge of God’s will advances the work
of sanctification. There is a heaven, and O, how earnestly we should
strive to reach it. I appeal to you students of our schools and colleges,
to believe in Jesus as your Saviour. Believe that He is ready to help
you by His grace, when you come to Him in sincerity. You must fight
the good fight of faith. You must be wrestlers for the crown of life.
Strive, for the grasp of Satan is upon you; and if you do not wrench
yourselves from him, you will be palsied and ruined. The foe is on
the right hand, and on the left, before you, and behind you; and you
must trample him under your feet. Strive, for there is a crown to be
won. Strive, for if you win not the crown, you lose everything in this
life and in the future life. Strive, but let it be in the strength of your
risen Saviour.
Will the students of our schools study, and endeavor to copy the
life and character of Him who came down from heaven to show them
what they must be, if they would enter the kingdom of God? I have
borne you a message of the near coming of the Son of God in the
clouds of heaven with power and great glory. I have not presented
before you any definite time, but have repeated to you the injunction of