Seite 118 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 17—Parental Responsibility
God has permitted the light of health reform to shine upon us in
these last days, that by walking in the light we may escape many of
the dangers to which we shall be exposed. Satan is working with
great power to lead men to indulge appetite, gratify inclination, and
spend their days in heedless folly. He presents attractions in a life of
selfish enjoyment and of sensual indulgence. Intemperance saps the
energies of both mind and body. He who is thus overcome has placed
himself upon Satan’s ground, where he will be tempted and annoyed,
and finally controlled at pleasure by the enemy of all righteousness.
Parents need to be impressed with their obligation to give to the world
children having well-developed characters,—children who will have
moral power to resist temptation, and whose life will be an honor
to God and a blessing to their fellow men. Those who enter upon
active life with firm principles, will be prepared to stand unsullied
amid the moral pollutions of this corrupt age. Let mothers improve
every opportunity to educate their children for usefulness.
The work of the mother is sacred and important. She should teach
her children, from the cradle up, habits of self-denial and self-control.
Her time, in a special sense, belongs to her children. But if it is mostly
occupied with the follies of this degenerate age, if society, dress, and
amusements absorb her attention, her children will fail to be suitably
Many mothers who deplore the intemperance that exists every-
where, do not look deep enough to see the cause. Too often it may
be traced to the home table. Many a mother, even among those who
profess to be Christians, is daily setting before her household, rich
and highly seasoned food, which tempts the appetite and encourages
overeating. In some families, flesh-meats constitute the principal ar-
ticle of diet, and in consequence, the blood is filled with cancerous
and scrofulous humors. Then when suffering and disease follow, Prov-
idence is charged with that which is the result of a wrong course.